Monday, 24 February 2014

Doing the Groundwork

The foundations for the sculptures have now been completed for three of the sites in the park. Due to the bad weather recently it became more sensible to pre – cast the reinforced pads off site and then drop them into position. Doing things this way created less disruption and mess in the park during a very busy half – term week. It was also great to meet and speak with visitors to the park last week to explain and discuss the work that’s taking place and the significance of the sculpture trail project.
The park is becoming very popular and is being used extensively by the people of Maidstone since the introduction of the new pathways. Having the pathways around the park has also made life a lot easier for the installation of the foundations. However, lifting 2 ton of concrete across muddy grass was always going to leave a trail. Tom, Alan and Mick have done a great job and things are certainly starting to progress. Now my mind is focusing on the big move and the transportation and installation of 4 ton of lovely Irish Blue limestone in a few weeks.    

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Marking Out!

We managed to brave the weather and start marking out three of the sites for the foundations today. Unfortunately, the rain became so heavy that this was about all we could do. We knew that reports of heavy rain, strong winds and an increased chance of flooding was possible, so it wasn't a surprise things didn't go as planned!! It seems, judging by the long term forecast that things are not going to get any better for weeks to come. So, instead Tom and his men had to head back to the yard to finish the steel work for the reinforcemt and to cut and box the framework for the shuttering.. in the dry hopefully!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Soggy Sites

Last week has seen me out and about of the workshop and on site with the contractor for the foundations. We had the sun on our backs, which was unusual as the rain has been persistent the last few weeks. It has left the ground very wet, with mud and soggy terrain everywhere. The location of the artworks in the park are situated close to the new pathways, however the prospect of getting mini-diggers and dumpers in and out of the park could still cause a muddy trail if we are not careful. The other worry, which I will have when the stone arrives, is the tight and narrow access. The park is restricted and has a few obstacles to overcome, literally.. 
On a really positive note I had the pleasure of walking the site on another day last week with Jo the project manager and Eva the Park Ranger for Cobtree Park. These conversations with other professionals can be very informative for the artist as it allows for contributions and suggestions regarding landscaping and planting which will enhance both the artwork and the immediate environment. To know that these developments are being considered is quite exciting as it allows for the sculptures to really become part of the landscape and settle into the space. The intention being that they create the sense that they have always been there.